Jackson Audubon Prothonotary Warbler Research Project 

Jackson Audubon Society

Jackson Audubon was chartered in 1971 as a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Jackson Audubon Prothonotary Warbler Research Project 

by Charlie Pfeifer, Project Leader 

Jackson Audubon’s continuing Prothonotary Warbler Project is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024. The project goal is enhanced reproduction for a neotropical migratory bird of conservation concern, that has undergone a 40% population decline since the 1960’s. Prothonotaries, or PROW, their ornithological species code, gravitate to swampy forests, a habitat always in jeopardy. Originally established by JAS volunteers as a Prothonotary Warbler Nest Box Trail, about 25 boxes have been continuously maintained at LeFleur’s Bluff State Park (LBSP) since 2000. These nest boxes are designed specifically with PROW in mind. Their nestboxes are similar to bluebird boxes, with 1.25-inch entrance holes that keep out most competing birds except Carolina Wrens.

This PROW project has evolved into a scientific study of breeding success that documents weekly the nestbuilding, number of eggs laid, and number of chicks hatched and fledged for each of 15 study boxes. These boxes provide additional opportunities for these cavity nesters who are otherwise limited to natural cavities in trees. We have demonstrated in a paper published in the “The Mississippi Kite,” the publication of the Mississippi Ornithological Society, that our project successfully fledges many young PROWs.

The PROW team, dedicated JAS volunteers, is also responsible for nest boxes at Fannye Cook Natural Area and Pearl River Wildlife Management Area at Hurricane Lake. Additional “conservation boxes” at LBSP are inspected occasionally and maintained annually. The team maintains all boxes by removing old nests and replacing or repairing any boxes lost or damaged by falling tree limbs, or in floods. The project makes a significant contribution to the survival of these beautiful birds. We always welcome new volunteers. Please direct any questions/inquiries to me, Charles Pfeifer at email: cptragopan@aol.com


Pfeifer, Charles.  2022.  A Passion for Prothonotaries. Birdwatching Magazine, June 2022, pp. 16-23.

Pfeifer, C., Johnson, E.I., Mitchell, W., Partridge, R., Partridge, L., Watson, D.  2022.  High Prothonotary Warbler           Nest Success in Artificial Boxes at LeFleur’s Bluff State Park. The Mississippi Kite, December (52)21-32

See The Magazine Article Here

Categories: Birding