The Mississippi Kite

Jackson Audubon Society

Jackson Audubon was chartered in 1971 as a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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The Mississippi Kite

The Mississippi Kite is the journal of the Mississippi Ornithological Society. It has been published since 1965, and changed from a biannual to annual publication with Volume 51. The Mississippi Kite is sent to all members of the Mississippi Ornithological Society. Send change of address, requests for back issues, and claims for undelivered or defective copies to the Membership Committee Chair, Wayne Patterson, at 238A CR 501, Shannon, MS 38868.


Information for Authors

The Mississippi Kite publishes original articles that advance the study of birdlife in the state of Mississippi. Submission of articles describing species occurrence and distribution, descriptions of unusual birds or behaviors, notes on the identification of Mississippi birds, as well as scientific studies from all fields of ornithology are encouraged. Manuscripts should be submitted in digital format to the Editor, Nick Winstead, at

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Categories: Birding